How To Tell If A Girl Likes You - Solid Advice With Women & Dating
So you've spotted a girl, you've talked a little, and you're now wondering if she thinks you're a stud..or a dud. This article will give you a rock-solid way for knowing how to tell if a girl likes you or not.
I'll also give you a free resource at the bottom of this article that will help strengthen the chemistry you've already built with her so far.
Body Language
More than 80 percent of all communication is non verbal. Women are experts. Most men are clueless, and women instinctively know this as a fact. What you need to do is look for the signs that her body language is telling you. If you miss this major communication skill, it will be hard to tell if a girl likes you.
So what do you look for?
Is she smiling when she talks to you? Does she look you in the eye when she speaks to you? When you walk away after you tell her you'll be back in a second does she wait for you to return? Does she lean-in or turn her upper body toward you when sitting side by side? Does she play with her hair when you talk to her?
If you answered yes to two or more of these questions, the chances are very good that the girl likes you. However, it does not mean that she will continue to display these signs, and they may very well be subtle and hard to spot.
Messing Up A Good Thing
Most of my clients during a field training will simply try to hard and make it obvious that they are looking for these clues. When you're trying to tell if a girl likes you and you're seeing the signs, don't mess up a good thing and telegraph your interest as well. In other words, play it cool. Lean back, not forward.
Knowing how to tell if a girl likes you is based on many other factors than these, but watch her body language and how she orients her body to yours, notice her posture, her smile, and be totally indifferent to weather she likes you or not.
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