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Getting Ready For Liposuction

Before getting a liposuction, you should consult with your doctor. The purpose of the consultation is to determine your fitness for the operation. Your medical history, previous health problems, and current medication will be important factors to consider as a candidate for the liposuction. To help your doctor make the right evaluations, be sure to inform him of any medical conditions that you might have suffered in the past. If you smoke or drink heavily, please mention that as well.

During your initial consultation, your doctor should check you for the following: first, the locations of your fat deposits; second, your skin tone; and third, any possible underlying hernias. Your surgeon should also discuss with you the alternatives available to liposuction, such as a tummy tucks, breast lifts, arm lifts, and thigh lifts.

A majority of liposuction procedures are performed on an outpatient basis – this means that you can go home right after the operation. However, more extensive liposuction might require hospital care for several days.

Preparing for surgery will involve some changes in your diet and lifestyle. Your surgeon will issue you guidelines about the food items that you can eat, as well as the medication that you should and should not take. Try not to get sick at any time before the operation, as any infection will most likely postpone the procedure.

Although more and more people are now getting liposuctions, it doesn’t mean that you should make the decision to have one lightly. All operations have risks attached to them, so you should conduct some research before you make your choice.


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