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The Flu and You

Please do your homework before jumping on the bird flu pandemic bandwagon.

The entire plan is an attempt to funnel $7.18 billion into the pharmaceutical industry without any liability for the damage it will cause.

The national Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 already protects vaccine manufacturers, clinics, hospitals, nurses, and doctors from all liability for vaccine related injuries.

No Vaccine can be made for a pathogen that does not yet exist. The H5N1 virus killing chickens is not a communicable human pathogen, so a vaccine made from the H5N1 virus would only protect chickens, if anyone.

Earlier this year the National Institute of Health stated, "We could not correlate increasing vaccination coverage after 1980 with declining morality rates for influenza in any group."

In America, the flu vaccine coverage in 1980 was 20 percent and rose to 65 percent by 2001. Therefore the flu vaccine has been totally ineffective in all age groups.

Anti-viral drugs are much less effetive then they are dangerous. The original relenza (an anti-viral drug) research in North America included on 1,164 adults and 471 children (ages 5-12 years) and found no statistically significant evidence of benefit according to the Physician's Desk Reference (PDR).

Warnings include broncosposm, possibly leading to death and states that Relenza is not for immune compromised poopulations or those with chronic respiratory disease such as asthma or COPD.

These are all high risk populations for influenza. The PDR also stresses that only Type A and B influenza has been studied.

Only a strong immune system can prevent contraction of any disease and determine the course of the illness. If indeed you want to be prepared for any possible epidemic or pandemic, it is time to take better care of yourself.

A diet full of fresh fruits and vegetable, plenty of water and rest, regular exercise, a positive mental attitude, and a nerve system free of interference will pay far greater dividends than any flu shots or pills.


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