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Five Criteria For A Good Face Lift Candidate

As with any type of surgery, there are a number of different factors that determine whether or not you are a good candidate for the procedure. Using the five criteria listed and described in the guide below, you will be able to develop a good idea about whether or not you are a good candidate for face lift surgery. Please remember, however, that this guide is not meant to replace the advice of a qualified doctor.

No. 1: Your General and Overall Health

It is never a good idea to undergo a surgical procedure if you are not in good health unless it is absolutely necessary or meant to actually improve your health. Going under anesthesia, the surgical procedure and the subsequent healing process can be very complicated if you are already in poor health. As face list surgery is considered to be an elective procedure in almost all cases, it is unlikely that your physician and surgeon will clear you for the procedure if you are not well. Even if you are healthy, you must discuss any type of medication you are taking with your surgeon. Some medications can interfere with anesthesia and complicate the healing process. If you happen to be taking any such type of medication, you will have to either stop taking it or wean yourself off the drug before going through with the surgery. Only do so under medical supervision. If you must continue to take the medication for the sake of your health, you may not be a candidate for face lift surgery.

No. 2: Your Emotional Health

Face lift surgeries are defined as “successful” if a patient who went into the surgery with realistic expectations feels satisfied with the results, after the healing process has come to a close. Surgeons have found, however, that people who are not emotionally well rarely have successful face lift surgeries. If a patient is having the surgery to please someone else, or feels that the surgery will cure a larger problem in his or her life, disappointment is a likely outcome.

No. 3 and 4: Age and Skin Condition

The best candidates for face lift surgery are men and women between the ages of 40 and 60 who still have some elasticity in their skin. This is the age during which the signs of aging start to become very clear. Between 40 and 60, skin begins to droop, sag and crease. A face lift is meant to reverse these effects of aging. Although this is the ideal age for a face lift candidate, successful face lifts have been performed on patients who are in their 80s. No. 5: Understanding the Risks and Limitations of Face Lift Surgery